Strength Training Workouts That Work!       

Geri-FitŪ - Strength Training Workouts that Work!

Cost: $20.00    qty:

Geri-Fit Online: Workout 6032 (online)

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If you have internet access, you can view any of Geri-Fit's workout titles! In this workout entitled Workout 6032, Master Trainer Fran Fisher and 11 of her Geri-Fit students will take you through an advanced class, however, beginners are encouraged to do alternate exercises instead. Most participants use a set of 2 to 5 pound dumbbell weights depending on their familiarity with Geri-Fit and their fitness level. If you're just starting out, do the workout but don't use any weights and see how your body feels just going through the movements. If you don't feel some soreness after two days have passed, the next time you do the workout, you can add weight as you feel comfortable. But, please limit the weight to no more than 2 pounds (each hand) when first starting out.

Please note: this was one of our earliest filmed workouts and the sound quality is not as good as our other titles. Please turn up the volume to high when playing this workout.

When purchasing, allow 24 hours for online activation. You'll need to write down your User ID and Password when you Register on gerifit's website. You will need this login info in order to see the video.

Steps to Purchase: Register, purchase, then log in the next day, go to Your Account, then click Start Course. It's that easy!