Strength Training Workouts That Work!       

Geri-FitŪ - Strength Training Workouts that Work!

Cost: $20.00    qty:

Geri-Fit Online: Greatest Generation workout (online)

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Exercise at home through your TV or computer! No DVD player needed!

No DVD player needed! Log in from any computer, tablet or cell phone and exercise to the Greatest Generation Workout.

Geri-Fit Master Trainer Francesca Fisher and four of her students ranging in age from 73 to 87 perform Geri-FitŪ strength training exercises using dumbbells ranging in size from 2 and up to 8 pounds. This workout is ideal for older adults that want to regain strength that has been lost through the aging process so that functional capacity, range of motion, balance and gait improves. There is no choreography, dancing or floor work in this workout. You will be working out with weights the entire time after the stretch!

This is a pretty advanced workout, but if you're new to Geri-Fit, modifications and substitute exercises will be shown throughout the workout especially for the squat exercises, presses, curls, and other strength training exercises.

Most of the exercises are performed seated in chairs, however, advanced participants have the option of doing the exercises standing if they prefer. Work out at your own pace and abilities. Filmed in high definition and suitable for a computer monitor or TV.

Copyright 2014. Private in-home use only. Must be licensed for public display.