Strength Training Workouts That Work!       

Geri-Fit® - Strength Training Workouts that Work!

Cost: $50.00    qty:

Geri-Fit Coach Trainer Program

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Training for your volunteer or staff for video-led Geri-Fit classes

Geri-Fit's Online Coach Trainer course is ideal for volunteers or staff working at facilities where Geri-Fit DVD classes are held.

Learning Objectives/Outcomes

Upon completion of the course, you will be able to:

• Learn evidence-based exercises and stretches that are appropriate for the older adult population.
• Gain knowledge on how to spot bad form and offer recommendations for improvement.
• Identify when to substitute or modify a strength training exercise based on a person's physical limitations or joint replacement.
• Adhere to safety and injury prevention by using recognized industry standards.

This non-accredited course will take two hours to complete and there is no test.

This course is only available to sites that have purchased a Public Performance License where Geri-Fit DVD products will be displayed. This training course does not permit the instructor to teach a live Geri-Fit class. Please see the Geri-Fit National Instructor Training and Certification program for more details.