Strength Training Workouts That Work!       

Geri-FitŪ - Strength Training Workouts that Work!

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Just LegsŪ strength training workout with Francesca Fisher (DVD)

Suggested for ages 16-59. Got problem legs? This DVD was made with you in mind! Banish cellulite, improve muscle tone, and keep your legs strong and young-looking.

Just LegsŪ

Slimming secrets used by actresses and dancers
~ Lunges and Squats! ~

Yes you can reshape your legs regardless if mother nature gave you fire hydrants, tree stumps, or cottage cheese fat dimples.

This DVD contains TWO 30-minute workouts. The first workout is the Squat workout. Francesca will work out right alongside with you performing regular Squats, Hack Squats, Frontal Squats, Wide Stance Squats and even Jeffersons. After doing the workout, your legs will be pretty sore for a day or so. When practically all the soreness has gone away, you'll do the second workout on the DVD, the Lunge workout.

We like to spice it up by varying different lunge exercises such as Alternating Lunges, Reverse Lunges, Stationary Lunges and even Deadlifts (which target the rear end and backs of your legs.) Rotate these workouts each week to give optimum results.

Each 30-minute workout starts out the same way: you'll do a thorough body stretch which will warm up the muscles, then you'll do a solid 18-20 minutes of lots of leg exercises. Requires a set of 3 to 5-pound dumbbells (or heavier weights or barbell if you wish), and you may use different increments if some of the exercises are harder than others.

Make sure you carb up before working out so that you will have plenty of energy to get through the workout. Recommended by sports enthusiasts that need pre-training for marathons, skiing, hiking or any sport that requires leg strength.

This workout will NOT bulk you up and will only tone.

Filmed in 1992 and converted to DVD.