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What type of performance measures are used in the Geri-Fit program?
Participants enrolled in the Geri-Fit® program will naturally see a significant improvement in balance, lower body strength, gait, and flexibility within three short months of starting the Geri-Fit program. These measurable outcomes may ultimately yield in reductions of physical disability and falls with improved function of daily living.

At the launch of offering the Geri-Fit program, your facility may want to conduct standard Senior Fitness tests such as the 6 minute walk, the 8 foot timed Up and Go, picking up a penny from the floor, as well as determining the individuals’ ability to perform the Seated Thigh Stretch, Chair Squats, Chair Lunges, Triceps Extensions, Overhead Press, and Bicep Curls. These tests are optional and not a requirement in offering the Geri-Fit program.

We do not recommend the test where an individual would be timed as to how many chair squats they are able to perform in 30 seconds. We have found this test to be detrimental to knee health, embarrassing (to most people), and inefficient in terms of assessing their suitability for Geri-Fit®. Instead, if the individual is able to stand up one time from a seated position, without assistance, then that is the test we rely on the most to accurately measure the effectiveness of the Geri-Fit program.

After one month, a vast improvement in this single exercise will be noted by many as well as visually seen by the instructor and classmates. Additionally, after three months of Geri-Fit, we use a Client Self-Assessment Evaluation. Questions such as, “Has your balance improved since starting Geri-Fit?”; Are you able to stand up from a seated position more easily?”; Are you able to walk up stairs better now than when you first started Geri-Fit?”, Since starting Geri-Fit, would you say your arthritis has Improved, Gotten Worse, Stayed the Same? and other questions. This self-assessment outcomes survey is included in the kit that you will receive when you purchase a Geri-Fit license.

Using evaluations are optional but highly suggested in order to be able to show and chart progress over time as well as a tool to match program outcomes.

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