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Recent Publications and Studies about Geri-Fit
American Journal of Nursing, July 2022 - Olson, Linda M. PhD; Zonsius, Mary C. PhD, RN; Rodriguez-Morales, Grisel MSW, LCSW; Emery-Tiburcio, Erin E. PhD, ABPP Promoting Safe Mobility, AJN, American Journal of Nursing: July 2022 - Volume 122 - Issue 7 - p 46-52 doi: 10.1097/01.NAJ.0000842256.48499.47 Promoting Safe Mobility

Lenstra, Noah (2022) - Exercising at the Library: Small and Rural Public Libraries in the Lives of Older Adults Geri-Fit at the Library

Crandell, Jason (2021) - Topics in Exercise Science & Kinesiology Vol. 2: Issue 1, Article 6, 2021 Physical Activity Intervention for Older Adults in the Age of COVID-19 and Beyond

Baker, Breanne S. et al, (2021) - Gerontology & Geriatric Medicine, Volume 7: 1-9 Resistance Training Reduces Age- and Geography-Related Physical Function Discrepancies in Older Adults

Daniels, K. et al (2020) - Journal of the American Geriatrics Society Promoting Healthy Aging During Covid 19

Elsevier - Journal of Biomechanics May 3, 2018.

Active & Healthy Aging,, September 2017, page 29

Clinical Interventions in Aging, February 10, 2017

The Journal of Nurse Practitioners Volume 13, Issue 1, Page 66 - January, 2017

Aging and Disease Volume 8, Number 2, Page 12 - April, 2017

Activities, Adaptation & Aging - September 18, 2012

Long Term Geri-Fit Results >10 Years - May 16, 2018

Handbook of Rehabilitation in Older Adults, Health and Wellness Programs for Older Adults, pp 487-506, February 2019

Goble, D.J.; Hearn, M.C.; Baweja, H.S. Combination of BTrackS and Geri-Fit as a targeted approach for assessing and reducing the postural sway of older adults with high fall risk. Clin. Interv. Aging 2017, 12, 351–357, doi:10.2147/CIA.S131047.

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