What insurance companies recognize Geri-Fit classes?
Starting in 2016, Geri-Fit is recognized under most health insurance plans under the Silver&Fit and Silver Sneakers umbrella of approved exercise programs for Medicare recipients. If you don't have coverage for the Geri-Fit program, or didn't purchase the supplemental plan that covers Silver&Fit and Silver Sneakers classes, you can contact your insurance company's Member Services Department and ask them about getting reimbursed for your out-of-pocket class fees. If any documentation is required by your insurance company, the instructor can provide Attendance records, a receipt, and/or other tracking information. The student may also need a prescription from their doctor that he/she wants them exercising with weights, specifically Geri-Fit. If the doctor, healthcare provider, or insurance carrier has any questions, have them contact us at 1-888-437-4348 x0.
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