Strength Training Workouts That Work!       

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Are classes held twice-a-week or three times-a-week?
The Geri-Fit program is set up to be done on a twice weekly basis and is quite effective if done in that manner. However, locations that have the space and time available may consider offering it three times-a-week, i.e., Monday, Wednesday and Friday, as long as there is at least a one day's rest between workouts. If clients have the time and interest, and once they are ready, we suggest adding a third workout that they can do at home on the weekends. This third workout can be accomplished by exercising to a Geri-Fit DVD, or by doing the exercises from memory, or by using the Geri-Fit exercise handout as a guide. For maximum effects, we recommend walking on the off days (the days you are not training with weights). For those just starting out, the program will produce profound and measurable results even if done just twice-a-week. For diabetes prevention, the CDC recommends 150 minutes of exercise each week. Plan to do some supplemental activity on the off days that you're not doing Geri-Fit. Suggested activities are walking, gardening, house cleaning, washing the car and other calorie burning activities.

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