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I registered online but did not receive a receipt. How can I get one?
If you did not receive an email receipt, it is because the email address you furnished us with at the time you registered on our site is different than the one you registered under, or you typed the wrong email address, or the email receipt landed in your SPAM folder. Check your spam folder first and be sure to put "Geri-Fit" as a preferred sender.

If you still didn't receive the receipt, go to our website, log in again, and click on YOUR ACCOUNT to check your invoice history. You can then print a copy of your receipt from there.

If you need us to send you a printed receipt for your records or for you to present to your insurance company for reimbursement, we charge $1.50 per receipt. This covers our time, printer ink, paper and postage. If you register by phone and don't have an email address, be sure to mention that you need a hard copy receipt sent to you.

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