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Geri-Fit Senior Fitness training and accredited CEU training courses

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At this time, we are only providing online training and certification.  Please check back later this year for information on possible in-person certification. 

The Geri-Fit Company offers accredited continuing education programs for fitness instructors, personal trainers, lifestyle coaches, and healthcare professionals. The courses are approved by the State of California Department of Social Services (CDSS)*, the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), and the NCCAP.

Our courses will provide you with working knowledge of teaching safe and effective strength training exercises that will improve older adults’ functional capacity and will increase their balance, flexibility and strength.  The courses also include balance training, fall prevention, brain fitness, stability training, and chronic disease management.

You will also learn when to institute exercise modifications and substitutions when teaching a senior fitness class or working privately with older adults. There are no aerobics, choreography, dancing or floorwork used as part of the training. Most of the exercises and stretches you’ll be learning will be performed seated in chairs with a focus on proper exercise progression. 

All of our accredited training program are open to the public regardless of your background, experience or credentials. Although not a requirement, ideal candidates should already be certified by a nationally-recognized fitness organization such as NSCA, ACE, AFFA, ACSM, W.I.T.S., AFPA, IFPA, NASM, NESTA, IWA or NFPT and/or have a minimum of 2 years experience either teaching group exercise classes, lifestyle change classes, CDSME or fall prevention programs, or personal fitness training. We also accept RCFEs, ARFs, and GHs that need contact hours in order to keep their licenses up-to-date. Other candidates that can be accepted into the program include individuals with degrees in exercise physiology, kinesiology, gerokinesiology, physical therapy, occupational therapy, nursing and other medical and healthcare professions.

Depending on your familiarity with strength training and exercise in general, study time and exercise practice varies from 20-80 hours and entails watching a few strength training dvds, interacting through our state-of-the-art online training education center, reading the instructor manual, and practicing the strength training exercises that are used in our programs. This training will help give you the knowledge and confidence that you'll need in order to successfully lead a Geri-Fit® class on your own and this training assures us that our safe methods will be consistently taught wherever Geri-Fit classes are held. 

We offer two ways in which to become certified in Geri-Fit:  the online course or the live, Master Trainer-led one day certification. Instructors that attend a one day, 8-hour training workshop led by a Master Geri-Fit T-Trainer will undergo an all day Practical Exam. There’s also an 80 question open book written exam with a 75% grade or better needed in order to pass. If you read the manual and view the DVDs, you’ll have no problem passing. 

A more popular way of training is our accredited online training and certification program. Online training affords you with the ability to learn on your schedule. You'll be able to rewatch videos and access presentation slides and modules all at your own convenience for 90 days after being given access to the training site.  

If you’re interested in applying to teach at a licensed faciilty, or want to start a Geri-Fit class where you live, click on the Online Application link and fill out the questionnaire. After we receive your application, someone from our professional development department will be in touch with you and usually within one week of receiving your application. Candidates are chosen based on their commitment to exercise, their past teaching experience, their positive attitude, their ability to motivate people, their dependability, and their desire to help others achieve their goals.

If you are interested in becoming licensed to offer Geri-Fit, view our Instructor License page or view this PDF document.

* Geri-Fit Company LLC is an approved California Department of Social Services Vendor #2000509 



Our HELP Desk is divided into categories in order for you to find the answer to your question more readily.  Click on these categories below or use our Search box to find the answers to your questions. If you can't find the answer to your question, email us and we'll be happy to help you.

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General Questions
Getting Certified to teach
General Questions Index
Question Answer
I can't afford the certification and training fees. How do I get help with getting some of the costs covered? Answer
Are there any requirements in becoming an instructor? Answer
If I don't want or need the CECs or CEUs, is there any discount off the price of the course(s)? Answer
How is the Geri-Fit distance learning course different than other older adult fitness certifications? Answer
I've been teaching Silver Sneakers for years. Why do I still have to go through Geri-Fit training in order to each the Geri-Fit exercise program? Answer
Does Geri-Fit offer any internship programs? Answer
I'm certified by AFAA. Will Geri-Fit's recognized training programs apply toward my AFAA recertification requirements? Answer
Do I have to bring weights to class for the participants to use, or do they bring their own? Answer
How did Geri-Fit get started? Answer
Am I able to give or share my user name and password with my friend or colleague? Answer
Are any workouts included in the Advanced Strength Training Techniques for Older Adults continuing education course? Answer
I am unable to log-on to Geri-Fit's training website. How do I regain access? Answer
What type of people take Geri-Fit classes? Answer
Does Geri-Fit have a code of ethics? Answer
Getting Certified to teach Index
Question Answer
Do all instructors need to go through training before becoming a certified Geri-Fit instructor? Answer
Am I able to take Geri-Fit training even if I don't want to buy a license? Answer
There are two methods in becoming a Geri-FitŪ instructor: an in-person 1 day training, and online training. Which is the better way to learn? Answer
How long will it take for me to learn Geri-Fit's Advanced Strength Training Techniques online course? Answer
I am a certified Yoga instructor but would like additional training in order to teach older adult fitness? Will your distance learning class accomplish that? Answer
What are some of the skills needed to become a certified Geri-Fit instructor? Answer
Where can I teach once I get certified in Geri-Fit? Answer
If I don't pass the practical exam, can I take it again? Answer
How do I obtain the Geri-Fit lesson plans? Answer
What type of training will I receive when taking the Geri-Fit certification? Answer
What type of primary group instructor certification does Geri-Fit recommend? Answer
I am Zumba Gold certified. Does that qualify me to teach the Geri-Fit program? Answer
What materials do I receive when taking the Geri-Fit online continuing education course? Answer
Do Geri-Fit instructors have to be certified? Answer
If I am an approved FLEX instructor, can I teach Geri-Fit under the Silver Sneakers health plans? Answer
Does Geri-Fit require any ongoing training or recertification? Answer
If I don't take the written exam and/or practical exam, can I still get 2.0 CEUs or CECs or contact hours recorded? Answer
What makes the Geri-Fit instructor training program so unique? Answer